- Altered history
Swords wrenches brooms
Izumo for all - Chasing the teacher
Hit that for tardiness pass
Yakuza revenge - Maids maids everywhere
Who is who, they are all girls
Except for that dude - Robot sings sad song
Sweeps up and mans the store
Sleeves like a boss
- Cantaloupe breasts
Hair styles gone wild
This harem is weird - Nation state sky ships
Earth fights heavenly realm
What, so confusing - Anachronistic
Therm-optic camouflage
Then horse and carriage - Hot spring episode
Not yet, but bound to happen
Steam censoring flesh - Hey, groping teacher
Sexual harassment suit
Nah, totally cool - Each shot costs money
Wasn't this free-to-play
I should learn to aim - Blind Nodoka clone
Shy and easily pleased
Cut your fringe maybe - Witches mount your brooms
Race and soar towards the sky
Flying smut peddlers - Subterfuge in the dark
Stabby stabby when you stand
Maids do everything
- Are you guy or girl
Your uniform is female
So is your VA - Brown chap has curry
Isn't that kind of racist
Maybe this is too - Classroom of misfits
Raucous and no discipline
Save the day of course - Kings, queens and nobles
Put down your swords and listen
I will grope you all - Exposed cleavage
Tight uniforms and outfits
How are you breathing - Screens from the ether
No tactile typing feedback
Gods in the machine - I am a dragon
Why am I in school with you
I shall eat your face - Fabulous max coat
Dangly sparkly all over
Caught my ear again - Flying naked man
No qualms about genitals
Does he need to pee
rips off Irresponsible
Captain Tylor's schtick