Posts with the “rotterdam” tag

Hitman Contracts playthrough: Mission 6

Mission six: Deadly Cargo. The second and final Rotterdam mission sees 47 assassinating a maniac on a cargo ship with a nuclear weapon in the midst of a special forces raid. The chaos may be all that's needed for one death to avert millions.

Hitman Contracts contains mature content and is wholly unsuitable for minors, some of these videos also contain flashing lights; fairly warned be thee.

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Hitman Contracts playthrough: Mission 5

Mission five: Rendezvous in Rotterdam. The darker underside of a rain soaked Rotterdam with bikers, working girls, a captive investigative journalist and a gang boss with more hair than brain-cells. This sort of action is a far cry from the grunting fist-fights the bar usually sees.

Hitman Contracts contains mature content and is wholly unsuitable for minors, some of these videos also contain flashing lights; fairly warned be thee.

Download the higher quality version (70MB, XviD video, VBR MP3 audio)

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